Finding Beauty in the Collage of Life.

I was inspired to make this after i read "Finding Beauty in the Collage of Life. " Elaina gave me pieces of broken sea glass for this project. Its a personal favorite, and not up for sale. This is probably my most favorite quote ever and it inspires me every time i look at it. It inspires me that the Lord is taking all the broken things in my life and is going to make something beautiful of it. And i know that he'll show me one day and i will only cry because im going to wish i gave him more of myself to make his collage more beautiful.
Sea glass wrapped in copper wire. Sandpapered shrink plastic with quote written on it. Glass orange beads. Leather strap.


K. said...

How long did that take to make?


Y.M.R said...

roughly 30 minutes?? i started it one afternoon...had to stop and take my kids...and then finished it that night.
